The Bulletin
To download your copy of the latest Bulletin click
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Inkpen History Society Meeting
Well, we had a good meeting presenting the Lidar scan of
Gallows Down and Inkpen Hill, the surprising results of the
dowsing day and finally the translation of one document from the
14th century folio.
The Lidar still must be turned into false colour to enable us to
see the indentations in the ground that have arisen over the
centuries and millennia. At that point it will be joined to the
Lidar scan of Walbury Hill, so that we have a full representation
of our bit of the North Wessex Downs. Additional scanning will
take place using a multispectral drone which will hopefully
highlight evidence of ancient habitation.
Now the dowsing results. It seems clear that these were not
random. There was a significant superposition with the previous
resistivity results obtained on the land in question. But some
points didn’t coincide with anything identified with either
resistivity or magnetometry. Understanding how dowsing works or
the full significance of the results is challenging. However,
there is sufficient coincidence with conventional geophysics to be
worth a second test. This will be arranged soon.
The medieval latin court rolls for Inkpen posed a huge translation
problem. There are so few scholars that can even attempt a
translation. With the help of a local resident, we were able to
find someone for a one-off attempt, which I think was very
revealing. The original and the translation will be posted on the
website for all to see, as soon as possible.
The history society has several other projects on the go and every
offer of help is very welcome. Help us reveal the people that used
to call our Inkpen, home.
November Pop-In Café
Remember penny for the guy or the smell of fireworks? Well,
things like the cost of insurance have put an end to that for
most of us. Luckily, we have the Pop-In Cafe to fall back on.
Some people come and sparkle, some glow, most make noises.
Hopefully everyone enjoys it.
Well, the next one is on the first Thursday of November, the
7th, 10am until 12:30pm at the Inkpen playing field pavilion. As
always, the follow-up is on the 3rd Thursday of the month, same
time same place.
Now we come to the Christmas warm up. That’s also the first and
third Thursdays 10 till 12:30, but there’s a little something
special. You’ll have to come to find that out. See you there.
There was a presentation looking at how we might develop
as a group.
Technology is changing so quickly that things that seemed
impossible just a few years ago are enabling even a
complete novice to get spectacular results. That said,
doing some things the traditional way seems more
authentic. So, we had a pitch about fundraising for a
piece of new technology, and a pitch for something that
would foster traditional stargazing.
Now that we are into the season of dark evenings, we will
aim to meet more regularly and enable all interested
stargazers to come and view some of our planets and
galaxies. Just keep an eye on the village website for
further details,
Going for a walk
If you want a breath of fresh air
and some exercise, check out the Inkpen
walks, but keep your
distance from others, that's at least 6 feet apart in old money.
If you feel that you should wear a face mask when outdoors, then
checkout the design given on the
News page.
On the news page this month there are a number of updates
including from the Inkpen Primary School and pre-school, from
the Playing field trust and Village Hall, and there's this
months Police Report .
Climate change issues.
The IMPFT, the playing field trust, is in the process
of installing solar panels and a key entry system. The trust,
chaired by Brian Cox, is aware of the need to reduce its carbon
footprint and is making what progress it can. The solar panels
are clearly there to reduce the trust's reliance on fossil fuel
energy, and to feed whatever extra is generated back into the
grid. The key entry system is there to make sure energy is only
consumed when the facilities are in use. Many of you are
choosing to adopt private energy saving measures - the trust is
focused on trying and do the same.
We are depending on renewables to help us get to net-zero carbon
emissions. If you'd like to see what contribution renewables are
making on a daily basis, have a look
Please give us a hand – Oak Trees in Inkpen
We need
your help to measure oak trees. Measuring tree
girths helps us to evaluate changes that have taken place in
Inkpen and enable future researchers to
evaluate the effect
of climate change on tree growth and distribution. This is
work of real value, be part of it. Go to to find out more.